Wednesday, March 4, 2020

UK New Points Based System Explained

UK New Points Based System Explained

UK Home Office released their new Points Based System that is going to be effective from 2021 on the 19th Feb 2020. In this Policy Statement they had made a few details clear with regards to how many points are needed for qualifying.

The most confusing aspect of this was the salary requirements. It seems most people have understood this to be the salary of the job offer they will get. This is not the case. This is the salary that they are currently getting and here is where the clarification is needed from Home office. If you read the policy statement carefully, you can see this even though it is confusing. I have further explained it in my Youtube video on the same.

Last time when UK had the points based system for Tier 1 they had a Band Multiplier for Country specific incomes. India was on Band D with a Band Multiplier of 5.3. If this band multiplier didn't exist very few people would have been eligible for the tier 1 from India. And only because of this band multiplier most Indians from India were able to come through the HSMP or Tier 1.

Hence I have made a video comparing the Tier 1 Country Income Bands and Band Multipliers to the new points based system with a few examples. You can find the calculations in this LINK here

I have also made a detailed video explaining this in my Youtube Channel in both Tamil and English. You can find the Links below
Tamil Version

English Version

Hope this excel file is helpful for people to understand the policy statement better. Please do post your comments on my channel if you found this useful.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Anand,
    Your videos are really useful.Inside IR 35 video was really great.No one would share their experience in such details.Kudos to you! Could you please make a video on ILR and British citizenship eligibility after ILR please.Always 180 days outside uk is very confusing.


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